In the last few years, cell phones have evolved immensely with new features being added to them almost on day to day basis. LG has come up with an interesting idea this time by attaching a tiny device on the back of the phone, making it capable to project on walls. This could come in pretty handy for business users who wants portable projection system at their disposal anywhere and anytime they want.
The LG Expo is a Windows Mobile 6.5 based phone on AT&T with a built-in Pico Projector accessory that can be attached when you need to project slides or videos on wall. This tiny device can project a 10 feet wide screen picture on the wall which has reasonably good quality. No cover or part of the phone needs to be removed to attach the additional device. When not required, the device can be detached and place comfortably in pocket. Like HTC HD2, this Windows Mobile phone is also powered by the powerful 1Ghz Snapdragon processor.
Projection capabilities of the LG eXpo can be seen in the video embedded below.
My LG Expo is about to ship this afternoon. I really feel like a latecomer to the smartphone/Expo scene, but I’m excited to be taught what may be done with it. At this level, I do not know what I do not know, so I will be spending a number of time exploring the device and the boards. Thanks to all who contribute and assist noobs like me!
Hi, just browsing for information for my LG website. Truly more information than you can imagine on the web. Not what I was looking for, but interesting page. Have a great day.